Sunday, September 30, 2007

Will one still teach to write with a pen in 200 years?

I have been thinking recently how many times I use a pen and write with my own hand. And I do not have even a cell phone, so I cannot imagine how this frequency drops for our new high-tech teenagers who might be able to text faster with their cell phone than to write with a pen. So, knowing how little we are using our hand to write and how more and more often we are writing with a keyboard, is the teaching of writing with a pen will still be in conventional school programs in 200 years? Maybe its status will be like that of Latin and Greek now: still taught but only to a few.

What do you think?


Cedric said...

I think we will use pens in 200 years more than we do now, because by this time we will have run out ot fossil fuels, and if we haven't found a new cheap energy form, energy will be much more expensive than it is today, therefore we won't be using as much electricity-based devices as we do today. Writing with a good old pencil will be the most economically efficient way of writing !

Francois Ascani said...

Well, did you do the calculation on the amount of energy and the cost on ecosystem to produce or recycle paper? Maybe we can hope we will all own a single bio and reusable paper-like sheet we can use and re-use -although I doubt on the discipline of people in keeping the same one over and over. But then, what will be the ink used and what will then be the new cost. These are, it seems, important questions because it seems that old traditions appear as inefficient as new ones in saving energy. There are, I am sure, many examples in history, in an era of no electricity, where man has destroyed its environment (for instance, Eastern Island). Let's not make the cars and our electronic devices the sole evils, and let's be cautious and honest on what we are doing. For instance, it has been noticed recently that biofuel may be very costly for ecosystem. What's up with that?

Francois Ascani said...

Are you saying, Cedric, you are ending your blog?

Cedric said...

I was not making a statement about ecology, but about economy!
But you are right, it might well be that we will have run out of trees in 200 years to make pencils and paper! Then we will have to return even further in time and write on stones, he, he!!
No, I am not going to stop using computers, nor cars, nor planes, because if I am the only one doing it, it will be completely useless for the ecological and energetic problem. I hope I will be much more efficient at participating in finding solutions to the problems by keeping writing my blog and doing my research to disseminate ideas about the urgency of the problems and the possibilities of solving them if we act now. It's like the people criticizing Al Gore because he takes some planes to go and give his seminars all over America. Well, if he did not, the planes would still fly, and it would take him much longer to reach less people, so nothing would change...